Issue 20

Spring 2007

Comments and Criticism

Superego, Ego, Id, and Al Bundy
by E.W. Wilder

Halleluiah Count Trends and Market Futures
by P.B. Wombat

Deep Inside the Special KKK Olympics
by Not-So-Special-After-All Correspondent T.S. DeHaviland

The State of Russian Hip-Hop
by Hillary Hardcore (Feat. Kitty Katja of the Volga Vulgars)


Poetry and Prose

Hap, A Long Casualty / Rural Blightness
Introduction by E.W. Wilder
Poem by Bean Newton

"The Poisonous Carrot" / Ode to a Nightingale
By the EastWesterly University Dada Cluster

Grief (a.k.a. "Alternate Three Eyelid") / Hopeless Grief
By the EastWesterly University Dada Cluster

It Goes Out and When Tonight It Dies / If I Should Die To-night
By the EastWesterly University Dada Cluster